Hey there!

I'm Natasha, the author of this blog. I'm also a psychology student who is working hard to be a novelist. I like thinking deeply mainly about life. I'm not a wise person, I'm simply just a girl who wants inspire the world through my writing.

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Lots of love!

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26 February 2019

Psychology : Yes or No? (LONG POST ALERT)

As you may know, I am a psychology student currently on my last year (HOPEFULLY) doing my undergraduate thesis (Yes it's a thing in Indonesia education system). So, basically just one step closer to graduate and acquire a Bachelor of Psychology.

On this rare occasion, I would like to write and give details about how it is to be a psychology student.This post is actually dedicated to you who wish to pursue degree in psychology. I would like to give a glimpse to what will you study and prospect career in psychology field. 

I've always wanted to study psychology since on ninth grade. Surprising? 
Yeah, I am a long-term planner. 

It actually began from school. My school has this period called "character formation" simply learning about ourselves. Imagine, being a teenager who has big body like an adult but mentally we are still kids. It's weird period of time indeed. So, I started notice how cool to study about humans. I really like to fill down that personality quiz (Even the silly one on Buzzfeed) and intelligence test known as IQ test (Yeah, I'm a weirdo). Probably that's where it started. I remember, I tried to google about psychology and found out that it's a field of study about human beings. 

So, when in high school, I know that I just need to pass every subjects. Graduated to get the certificate as a ticket to study psychology at uni. 

In Indonesia, the education system require you to choose to study social sciences (Economics, Geography, Sociology) or natural sciences (Biology, Physics, Chemistry). In my generation, we are obligated to choose a major on eleventh grade (Year 11). Students will study hard to get good grades during their time on tenth grade  so they can major in natural sciences.

For those of you who don't familiar with this kind of thing, it's known that natural science students gain more benefits than social science students. They can major anything in uni because stereotypically, they are smarter than their fellow social science students. 

But, hell yeah I don't care, I've always known my strength is in social sciences. I know that in order to eligible majoring psychology, I can use my social science certificate. So, why study hard? Hahaha.

Okay, to conclude my journey on ended up in psychology, I always want to learn about humans. Personally, I know I have "gift" to mediate between two people who have conflicts, I am always be the friend who people are telling bad days about every night, and basically I am like a people's emotional trash can. 

My second option is actually studying literature but I have strong feeling to major in psychology..

So, I get accepted in 2015 as a psychology student in one of well-known universities in Jakarta. 

I am not going to explain the curriculum on my uni, but let's talk about psychology from now on.

Alert : I would talk about psychology in Indonesia's context. 

I thought it's going to be like all day taking personality quizzes, getting know about ourselves, and have fun listening to people's shit (YEAH IT'S FUN SOMETIMES, don't get me wrong), but it's quite a trap guys.

PSYCHOLOGY is a study of human behaviour. YES. BEHAVIOUR. 

Yeah, we don't read minds, read souls, or fortune-telling. THAT'S VERY BASIC THING to know before you enter this field. 

No, we don't simply diagnose people. "You are stupid, You have bipolar, You are not eligible to be the employee of this company, et cetera).
We observe, interview, gather data from research, or conduct a psychological test to verify their behaviour. Collecting the data about the person or subject known as ASSESSMENT 


It's pretty universal actually. 
Just like conducting a research. You write a hypothesis and in order to proof your hypothesis, you need to gather data, analyse it, and conclude something whether your hypothesis is rejected or accepted. 

QUESTION 1 - What it takes to be a psychology student?

In Indonesia, of course you have to get Ijazah SMA (IPA/IPS/Bahasa would do) but remember different uni have different requirement. If I'm not mistaken, Padjajaran University (UNPAD) only accept Ijazah SMA with natural science major (because they are more focus on biological psychology). But most of uni will accept students from social sciences. 
Yeah this is mostly the most important requirement HAHAHA.

You will also have to take some assessment. In my uni, I have to take english, math, intelligence test, and personality test. It's a little bit strict maybe because we will learn lots of mystery about human beings.

But, overall go finish your high school and being a good person is enough.

Brace yourself for another session of Maths, Biology, and Sociology!
But trust me psychology is none of like high school subjects. 

QUESTION 2 - Should psychology student have certain traits?

I would say YES. It would actually benefit you and help you to enjoy this course. 

1. Empathy. You need to have genuine feelings about people, to help people, and get to know them well.

2. Analytical. It is surprising yes. But, it's very important to be analytical because psychology turns out to be a field of study who has strong research-based. Maybe it's because psychology it's intangible unlike studying economics (you count the money), law (you know the laws written), or doctor (there's a biological support to see). But psychology... can you read people's mind? can you see mental illness? can you see intelligent? It's abstract. So, yeah it's a benefit for you if you like analysing stuffs.
BESIDES, we will try to diagnose people.

3. Have a good time-management. It's actually applied to all uni students. There will be shitloads to do. Lectures don't give a fuck if you have three deadlines that day. So yeah, you should know when to write down your papers, meet your friends/significant other, and SLEEP! As psychology student, it is important to manage your time mainly because there will be lots of papers to do, quizzes, interviewing people, and you need to focus when on counselling session, right? You don't want up all night and sleep-deprived to meet your client. You need to chill down a bit because it's emotionally draining to listen people all the time.

4. Patient - Oh, man. Listening to people's problem for straight 2 hours require some serious level of patience. Or meeting with loud children, stubborn adults, and demanding elders.

5. Knowledgeable and Open-Minded. As what I stated before, we study about humans. Humans are influenced by their biological status, psychological status, and culture. Humans are complex. So it's highly chance you will talk with a person who has the opposite values, cultures, and beliefs with you. You need to know a lot (At least the basic) of EVERYTHING. And it's very important to be open-minded because yeah not all people have same opinions or beliefs with you. You need to accept other human for who they are.

QUESTION 3 - What will I study on Psychology?

It's not always about counselling, taking psychological test, or judging people.
We study a lot of things.

Like any other sciences, Psychology also have branches. Four major psychology branches (as taught in my uni) are :

Clinical - A branch of psychology that studies about mental health (diagnose, assessing, and analysing) including theories of personality, abnormal psychology, biological psychology (it's quite daunting as if you are a medical student), neuropsychology (mind-blowing subject), counselling, health psychology, and conducting psychological test
Educational - A branch of psychology that focus on education (Yeah this doesn't help, isn't it). Well, basically you will learn about children like special needs children or gifted children, developmental psychology, and conditioning (how people's learn a behaviour).
Occupational (Industry/Organisation)  - A branch of psychology that studying about people in their work environment including recruiting employees. do some trainings,
Social - A branch of psychology that studies about human and it's society they live in. They see human as broad term, how environment influences us, such thing.

Other major subjects in psychology include
Statistic - Oh you wish you would ran away from math but you just can't. YES we do learn how to analyse data, calculate them (with SPSS usually), and interpret the data.
Research - Like I said, psychology is heavily influenced by research. We are a field of study who need recognition by providing empirical evidence.
Assessment Methods - Whether is how to interview people assertively, observing skills, counselling, conducting psychological test and how to score it.
Psychometric - This is when psychology crossover with Math. What is about? I can't even explain.
It's basically the math version of psychology.
Ethics - Learn about what the professional codes of psychology world. Confidentiality, Act of Consent, Transference between Client and Psychologist, etc.

The rest actually are minor and depends on your university. Like in my uni, there is experimental psychology (yes psychology do lab research too), and specific kind of psychology like art, sexuality, market research, women psychology, child abuse, etc.

Undergraduate psychology mainly focus on the concepts, theories, and introduction about psychology. You will learn and get used to any psychological terms. You will learn how to conduct research, collecting data (by interviewing people, observing people, and do some tests).
But it's really just the surface which I will further discuss on next question.
We are not qualified to do that. Yet. 

QUESTION 4 - What to expect after I graduated?

Well, you are not going to be a psychologist after you graduated. You will only earn bachelor's degree. This happen in other countries as well.

So, what can you do with bachelor of psychology?

You can work in companies as Human Resource Development whether is conducting psychological test, do some training to new employees, payroll, etc.
You can work as teacher, school counselor, basically educator.
You can work as psychologist assistant.
You can work in any social organisation or foundation (Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat)

To be honest, you can work in any field because psychology is a really useful knowledge.



In Indonesia, you need to earn master's degree (S2) titled M.Psi (Master Psikologi) to acquire official licensed as psychologist. So you need to study 2 years more.
In UK/USA, what I know is you need to earn doctoral's degree (S3) such as PhD or DClinPsy. It would take 4-5 years more.

So, brace yourself!

I think it's really important to study more as psychologist because human beings are really complicated. And you need good knowledge to be able to diagnose them.
So if you want to study further, have thirst of knowledge, and ready to settle down in psychology, go beyond undergraduate!

So, have I answered all of your question about psychology?

Studying psychology is not easy as many people say. "Oh you just need to sit down and read people's mind". OH HELL NO. WE NEED TO SIT DOWN, SEE WHAT IS INTANGIBLE TO SEE, MAKING SENSE OF IT, AND FIND EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT OUR JUDGEMENT.

But, seriously. You will learn a lot of new things that never been taught in school before. You will learn a lot about understanding other people. You have this automatic skill to relate with other people's emotion, feeling, and thought. You will meet many many new people. You will be more open with current affairs, other beliefs, and accepting people more! So it's really great.

I am not regretting my time here as psychology student.

It's tough, it's stressful, it's nerve-wrecking but it's worth it.

Still have some question regarding psychology?
Comment down below and I will answer!

Hope this will strengthen your desire to study psychology or the opposite? :)
You will have a good time!!!

Natasha who pursuing her bachelor's degree