Hey there!

I'm Natasha, the author of this blog. I'm also a psychology student who is working hard to be a novelist. I like thinking deeply mainly about life. I'm not a wise person, I'm simply just a girl who wants inspire the world through my writing.

Hope you enjoy every single of my posts.

Lots of love!

PS : Feel free to comment on my posts, I will definitely reply to your comment!

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01 September 2009

Seandainya Jadi Cowok!!!

Hmmm...coba klo gw ini seorang cowok...gw akan melakukan beberapa hal..
1.Gw mau ngerasain tabok-tabokan ama temen.
2.Pengen banget ngertiin seorang cewek
3.Pengen banget jadi seorang tentara!!!
4.Pengen banget ngerasain berkasar-kasar ria
5.Pengen melakukan aktifitas kayak cowok
6.Pengen tau yang namanya dandan"khas cowok"
7.Pengen sok-sok gaya di depan cewek
8.Pengen banget natap mata cewek-cewek
9.Pengen tebar pesona
10.Pengen nyoba jadi playboy!!!

Yeah itu klo seandainya jadi cowok...
nyatanya gw adalah seorang cewek!!!!huahhhh