Gue udah memutuskan untuk berhenti suka dengan cowok bernama ...... itu.
Gue rasa udah gak ada alasan lagi untuk gue suka dia.
Gue udah bisa perlahan buang dia dari pikiran gue.
Dan lagi gue semakin jauh sama dia...
Gue gak merasa cocok sama dia lagi...
So buat apa gue mikirin cowok yang gak berguna buat gue?
It's over
Hey there!
I'm Natasha, the author of this blog. I'm also a psychology student who is working hard to be a novelist. I like thinking deeply mainly about life. I'm not a wise person, I'm simply just a girl who wants inspire the world through my writing.
Hope you enjoy every single of my posts.
Lots of love!
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