Hey there!

I'm Natasha, the author of this blog. I'm also a psychology student who is working hard to be a novelist. I like thinking deeply mainly about life. I'm not a wise person, I'm simply just a girl who wants inspire the world through my writing.

Hope you enjoy every single of my posts.

Lots of love!

PS : Feel free to comment on my posts, I will definitely reply to your comment!

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27 October 2010

Why I always THINK about him?

Argh gue kesel sama makhluk bernama B176
hari ini P1 cup.
Dan gue menjalani hari tanpa peduli dia lagi
sampe tadi waktu lomba makan telor
dia ada disamping gue.
Gue kaget dan langsung buang muka
Sebisa mungkin gue hindarin dia
Tapi gue merasa,dia itu cari perhatian ke gue
kayaknya dia sadar gue jauhin
terus waktu pulang sekolah
There lagi ngomong sama charlotte
Gue kira gerald ato si theo yang panggil there "ini justin"
pas gue noleh
dia yang meluk si justin
man,gue langsung buang muka lagi
gara" tadi gue kepikiran sama lo lagi
gue gak bisa apus rasa suka gue ke lo 100%
gue khawatir lah kasian...
bahkan sekalipun gue marah
gue gak bisa nahan ketawa waktu lo lomba makan telor :')
sorry gue harus jauhin lo
